
Tukkunet Oy Odoon versio 13.0+e

Tietoa kohteesta Tukkunet Oy Odoosta, Avoimen lähdekoodin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä (ERP).

Asennetut ohjelmistot

SO & PO Multi Product Selection
Sale order and Purchase order Multiple Product Selection
Seuraa liidejä ja sulje mahdollisuuksia
Enterprise website builder
Purchase Order Receipt Filter
This module adds filter to purchase order.
Organize and schedule your projects
TCXML Invoice
This module helps to send invoices via EDI.
Opportunity from Email marketing
This module creates Opportunity from Email marketing.
Mass Create Lead/Opportunity
This module helps to create multiple leads/opportunities.
Pricelist Multiple Products
This module allows to add multiple products at a time in pricelist for fixed price.
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Laskut ja maksut
Bisnode Integration
Receive client credit information from Bisnode
EasyDeal Integration
Export product to EasyDeal
Forecasted data improvement
This module more information in forecasted view of product.
Import Purchase Orderlines
This module helps to import purchase order lines.
Sale Order Line Invoiced Date
Invoiced Date in Sale Order Line
Invoice Analysis Group by Product Responsible,Margin and Parent Category
This module adds group by for product responsible,margin and product category in invoice analysis.
Credit Note Invoiced Quantity
This module updates invoiced quantity based on a boolean field while creating credit note.
Sale Order Backorder Quantity
This module assigns quantity delivered to sale order quantity if there is no backorder.
Package filter
This module adds filter for products based on packages.
Custom Fields
Custom response and comment fields in partner
Product PDF report.
This module generates custom product pdf report.
Delivery Date,Delivery status filter in sale order.
This module helps to add delivery status and delivery date filters in sale order.
Sale Order Partner Domain.
This module adds domain for partner field during sale order creation.
Credit Note and Sale Order Smart Buttons
This module adds smart buttons for credit note and sale in Invoice
Product Parent Category in Sale Report
This module helps to add product parent category in sale report group by.
Product Responsible in Sale Report
This module helps to add product responsible group by in sale report.
Sales Order Confirmed Date
This module stores the time when sale order was first confirmed.
TradeConnector EDI
TradeConnector EDI
Unifaun Shipping Connector
Unifaun shipping connector to export shipments
Update Cost Price in Sale Order
This module updates cost price in sale order line with current product cost while creating invoices,it also helps to update cost on button Update Cost Price for sale orders which has invoices.
Website Order Partner
This module assigns company as customer if user is a contact.
Axelot WMS Integration
Axelot WMS Integration
WMS Varasto Finland
This module sends/receives product,delivery information to SFTP server.
Talenom Integration
Talenom Integration
Terminal Orders
Add another delivery address
Automatic Vendor Bill
This module automatically creates vendor bill for purchase order on receiving products.
Responsible for Discount Product
This module assigns product responsible for coupon/promotion products.
Product Responsible group by in Inventory Valuation
This module adds product responsible group by in inventory valuation report.
Tarjouksista laskuiksi
Available Quantity in Sale and Invoice Analysis
This module adds available quantity in Sale analysis and Invoice analysis.
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Sell your products online
Multiple Websites per Product
Add multiple websites per product in Odoo multi website
Track help tickets
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Centralize employee information
Advanced Category Search
Advanced Category Search
Product Advanced Search
Product Advanced Search
Product Image Uploader
Product image uploader and updator
Build your own dashboards
Centralize your address book
Custom Website Category
Custom Website Category
Customer Pricelist Products
Customer Pricelist Products
Dokumenttien hallinta
Automatic Invoice for Easydeal Orders.
This module creates and exports invoices to Talenom for Easydeal Orders based on field( ED no Aggregated Invoicing) in customer.
Chatter Log changes
This module helps to log changes of cost price,barcode,sale price,internal reference,responsible.
Google Sheet SQL Export
Google Spreadsheet Export to any Model data with respect to Create Data in Google Sheet
Import Sales Order Lines from Excel or CSV File in odoo
Import sale order line Data App for import sale order lines import sales order lines import sale data import SO line excel import sale order line from excel import sale order line from csv import mass sale order line import bulk sales order line import
Sale Integration with External Services
Odoo PrestaShop Connector PRO
Export products and your current stock from Odoo, and get orders from PrestaShop. Update order status and provide tracking numbers to your customers; all this automatically and instantly!
Log In User Customization
Log In User Customization
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Luo automatisoituja postituskampanjoita
Odoo Rest Api
The module create RESTful API for Odoo and allows you to access and modify data using HTTP requests to manage fetch and manage data from the Odoo.
Timesheet Validation and Grid View
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Website Product Tags
Website Product Tags
Website Easydeal
Website Easydeal
Website Inventory Leadtime
Website Inventory Leadtime
Website Limited Publish
Website Limited Publish
Website Order Pallet
Website Order Pallet
Website Product Customization
Website Product Customization
Website Product Per Page
Website Product Per Page
Website Product Sort
Website Product Sort
Website Wishlist Quote
Website Wishlist Quote
Luo, lähetä ja seuraa sähköpostiviestejä
Schedule employees' meetings
Publish blog posts, announces, news

Asennetut lokalisoinnit / tilikartat

Suomalainen lokalisointi
Partner business code (business id)
Adds a business code (business id) for partners
Partner EDI code
Adds EDI code field and operators
Finnish Sales Invoice Payment Reference
Generate a valid invoice payment reference for sales invoices
Suomi - Kirjanpitoraportit
Payment References for Sale Refunds
Automatically generate payment references for sale refunds

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